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[VFR]≡ Read Through the Zombie Glass Gena Showalter Books

Through the Zombie Glass Gena Showalter Books

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Through the Zombie Glass Gena Showalter Books

Well, I knew it. From reading other reviews of this book before I started it I went into it with eyes wide open...which for me was a good thing. If I hadn't known, this would have been a DNF for sure. This review will contain minor spoilers in connection with Ali and Cole so if you don't want to know why this book made me furious, read no further.

As for Cole, all I have to say is this...

You are a giant douche bag and I hate you.

In the beginning of this second book Ali has one of her visions, but it's with another guy. Instead of giving her the benefit of the doubt, Cole-always the drama queen- breaks up with her without trying to even understand or trust that her vision might not be all it appears. So what does he do? He immediately, and I mean IMMEDIATELY starts hanging out with his ex girlfriend right in front of Ali. And then, the point of no return (for me anyway)...Cole, you completely and totally lost any and ALL respect I ever had for you as soon as you let your stupid ex go down on you. Yes, you read that right.

"Youve already done something with Veronica."

A dark curtain fell over his features. I waited for him to deny it.

He didn't deny it.

He nodded.

Even though I'd guessed, shock hit me with the force of a baseball bat. Shock and betrayal.

"I think I hate you."

"Do you want to hear what happened with her?" he asked tightly.

"I'll tell you. I think I actually want to tell you. Then you'll stay away from me, even when I'm stupid enough to come sniffing around. I'll finally stop wanting what I know I can't have."

"I was at home," he began. "She came over."

"I had been drinking. I never drink, but I was trying to forget about you."

"Shut up!"

"I had been drinking a lot. I kissed her. I thought about never being with you again, and I was angry with you, thinking about you with Gavin, and I kissed her with everything I had. I took off her shirt. I touched her."

"Shut up!!!" He was throwing the details at me as if they were weapons.

They were.

"She unbuckled my pants. I -"

"She went down on me. And you know what? I liked it."


When I read that I seriously wanted to VOMIT. If you read the first book, you already know there was a lot of drama with Cole and Ali to begin with. Why wasn't that enough? There is more than enough story that could have come into play here in the second installment. Instead, the author does this atrocity to these characters, effectively making me hate and detest Cole for life. I don't care how many times he asks for forgiveness or tells Ali he is sorry, what he did was beyond forgiveness. And then we get this little gem of an explanation that is supposed to...what? Make us think he is a good guy? That what he did wasn't THAT bad? Sorry, no.


"I know you probably have more questions, but I want to talk to you about Veronica first. About what happened with her after our breakup."

"No," I said, anger suddenly rising.

He continued anyway, "I told you she went down on me, and I wasn't lying, but I didn't tell you that I stopped her before...just before. And I don't think you have any idea how difficult that was. With something like that, it doesn't always matter if a guy likes the girl or wants someone else."

"Should I give you a medal?"


Thank you, Ali! Cole, this is what I have to say to you and your stupid attempt at sharing your story to paint yourself in a better light.

I freaking hate you.

Let's just get this straight. Your girlfriend, who had never done anything to you had a vision (that ends up being exactly what she thought in the beginning-NOTHING) so you dump her butt. You let another girl go down on you, meanwhile Ali is being ripped apart by your actions, not to mention all of the emotion and fear she is dealing with because of her infection. She NEVER cheats on you or even looks at another guy while you are apart, and you are somehow to be commended because you didn't let yourself finish?!?!!

Yeah, you failed.

Don't get me wrong, Ali is also written to be terribly stupid for most of the book as well. Even though I was glad she actually pushed Cole away when he kept trying to come back, her thoughts drove me insane. She was constantly worried if she was hurting his feelings, or feeling like she wanted to be with him SO much, even though he did what he did. Honestly she drove me crazy too.

Literally, for 65 percent of this book, that is ALL that happens. Probably only a grand total of 4 things and then it's hashed and re-hashed over and over and over again. After that things start to really happen and the book started to get good again. Enough that I do want to finish out the final installment, but it better be a lot better than this book was.

For the first 60% of this book I would give it ZERO stars. Yes, zero. It was that bad. So much drama, angst, hurt and heart break. I hated it. For the last 40% I would give it 3 stars. So I'm rounding out my review to be 2 stars. Just be warned, the first portion is extremely hard to get through, and I don't think I will ever be able to see Cole in the same light as I did before.

I think Ali put it best when she was talking to Cole and said,

"You trust the visions more than you trust me and my feelings, and I deserve better."

You know what, Ali? I totally agree with you.

Read Through the Zombie Glass Gena Showalter Books

Tags : Through the Zombie Glass (8601420809703): Gena Showalter: Books,Gena Showalter,Through the Zombie Glass,Harlequin Teen,0373210779,Horror,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Romance - General,Horror fiction.,Supernatural;Fiction.,Zombies;Fiction.,10019814,115026X,20131001,707220,Canada,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,Horror fiction,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Monograph Series, any,Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,Romance - General,Supernatural,Supernatural;Fiction.,TEEN'S FICTION FANTASY,TEEN'S FICTION HORROR & GHOST STORIES,TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Horror,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Young Adult;Adventure;Fantasy;Paranormal;Romance;Zombie;Urban Fantasy;Bad Boy;Alice in Wonderland;Children's,Zombies,Zombies;Fiction.,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance,JUVENILE FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Horror,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Paranormal, Occult & Supernatural,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,Fiction,Horror fiction,Supernatural,Zombies,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12)

Through the Zombie Glass Gena Showalter Books Reviews

I am always a little worried as to where a series will go in the second book. This one deals with the drama in a love it or hate it kind of way. I love it.

Trouble is heading straight for Ali and the other slayers. Every time she feels like she is on level ground and can relax, another turns her life upside down. She deals with pretty well each time it happens. I enjoy her character development. She is becoming more independent but still realizes the value of friends and good actions. She fights in this book. Both the zombies and for the things she wants and believes in. Her victories an losses are not small and large but she continues to move forward even when she feels alone. The zombies are not the only enemies of the slayers and trust becomes a valued and scarce thing.

We learn more about many of the characters, both new and old. At times it is hard to remember that the slayers are so young and very inexperienced in many way. At times they act like the young adults they are and at others the seem to be beyond their years. I love the ever changing dynamic of this series.
I listened to Through the Zombie Glass, while recovering from the dreadful ‘Influenza A’ this weekend. I have to say with Natalie Gold’s narration and Gena Showalter’s story, even the flu was not going to stop me from finishing the sequel to the White Rabbit Chronicles. I absolutely was hooked from the first page to the last page.

I thought the first book was awesome, well, Gena definitely surpassed ‘Awesome’ with the sequel. It’s awe-inspiring, breathtaking, impressive, dark, twisted, unforgettable, etc. I could go on and on describing the sequel, but I’ll go on with my review.

The main character Alice ‘Ali’ Bell is going to go through some horrific issues in the sequel. Some of them normal teenage issues, while others are dealing with zombies and the awful Hazmats. Gena definitely had a great mixture of both normal and not normal for poor Alice, which made it hard to not continue listening to the book. Natalie Gold definitely is a great narrator for these books. I definitely felt the pain of what Alice went through in this book.

There’s also Cole. *sigh* Cole went through quite a bit too, but he definitely acted like a broody teenage male, but he’s hard not to love, especially with how he cared for Alice in the story. Now, do not get me wrong there were parts I wanted to kick him in the shins, but then he had to go back to his lovable self. Darn you, Cole. Gena wrote him perfectly!

The storyline has a mixture of Alice healing from what happened at the end of the first book, the slayers battling with zombies, some slayers battling with each other, and now Alice dealing with something really dark and twisted inside of her. Don’t look in the mirror, Ali Bell, is all I’m gotta say about this part what Alice is going through. Oh, and there’s the issue with hazmat suits as well. So much going on, and it’s so easy to get sucked in the story because of everything going on.

I’ve been in a Young Adult Fantasy/Paranormal kick this month and I’m so glad I decided to go back to read these books. Gena Showalter never fails me with her story telling, kick-butt characters, and hottie book boyfriends. Yes. I said, book boyfriends. Cole has definitely been dubbed one of my book boyfriends. He’s a sexy tattooed moody zombie slayer. (I have to remind myself though he’s underage and he’s also Alice’s boyfriend, but he can still be apart of my long list of book boyfriends.)

I give this book 5 stars and highly recommend it to readers of Young Adult Fantasy/Paranormal with a twist to the Alice in Wonderland tale that involves zombies and slayers.
Well, I knew it. From reading other reviews of this book before I started it I went into it with eyes wide open...which for me was a good thing. If I hadn't known, this would have been a DNF for sure. This review will contain minor spoilers in connection with Ali and Cole so if you don't want to know why this book made me furious, read no further.

As for Cole, all I have to say is this...

You are a giant douche bag and I hate you.

In the beginning of this second book Ali has one of her visions, but it's with another guy. Instead of giving her the benefit of the doubt, Cole-always the drama queen- breaks up with her without trying to even understand or trust that her vision might not be all it appears. So what does he do? He immediately, and I mean IMMEDIATELY starts hanging out with his ex girlfriend right in front of Ali. And then, the point of no return (for me anyway)...Cole, you completely and totally lost any and ALL respect I ever had for you as soon as you let your stupid ex go down on you. Yes, you read that right.

"Youve already done something with Veronica."

A dark curtain fell over his features. I waited for him to deny it.

He didn't deny it.

He nodded.

Even though I'd guessed, shock hit me with the force of a baseball bat. Shock and betrayal.

"I think I hate you."

"Do you want to hear what happened with her?" he asked tightly.

"I'll tell you. I think I actually want to tell you. Then you'll stay away from me, even when I'm stupid enough to come sniffing around. I'll finally stop wanting what I know I can't have."

"I was at home," he began. "She came over."

"I had been drinking. I never drink, but I was trying to forget about you."

"Shut up!"

"I had been drinking a lot. I kissed her. I thought about never being with you again, and I was angry with you, thinking about you with Gavin, and I kissed her with everything I had. I took off her shirt. I touched her."

"Shut up!!!" He was throwing the details at me as if they were weapons.

They were.

"She unbuckled my pants. I -"

"She went down on me. And you know what? I liked it."


When I read that I seriously wanted to VOMIT. If you read the first book, you already know there was a lot of drama with Cole and Ali to begin with. Why wasn't that enough? There is more than enough story that could have come into play here in the second installment. Instead, the author does this atrocity to these characters, effectively making me hate and detest Cole for life. I don't care how many times he asks for forgiveness or tells Ali he is sorry, what he did was beyond forgiveness. And then we get this little gem of an explanation that is supposed to...what? Make us think he is a good guy? That what he did wasn't THAT bad? Sorry, no.


"I know you probably have more questions, but I want to talk to you about Veronica first. About what happened with her after our breakup."

"No," I said, anger suddenly rising.

He continued anyway, "I told you she went down on me, and I wasn't lying, but I didn't tell you that I stopped her before...just before. And I don't think you have any idea how difficult that was. With something like that, it doesn't always matter if a guy likes the girl or wants someone else."

"Should I give you a medal?"


Thank you, Ali! Cole, this is what I have to say to you and your stupid attempt at sharing your story to paint yourself in a better light.

I freaking hate you.

Let's just get this straight. Your girlfriend, who had never done anything to you had a vision (that ends up being exactly what she thought in the beginning-NOTHING) so you dump her butt. You let another girl go down on you, meanwhile Ali is being ripped apart by your actions, not to mention all of the emotion and fear she is dealing with because of her infection. She NEVER cheats on you or even looks at another guy while you are apart, and you are somehow to be commended because you didn't let yourself finish?!?!!

Yeah, you failed.

Don't get me wrong, Ali is also written to be terribly stupid for most of the book as well. Even though I was glad she actually pushed Cole away when he kept trying to come back, her thoughts drove me insane. She was constantly worried if she was hurting his feelings, or feeling like she wanted to be with him SO much, even though he did what he did. Honestly she drove me crazy too.

Literally, for 65 percent of this book, that is ALL that happens. Probably only a grand total of 4 things and then it's hashed and re-hashed over and over and over again. After that things start to really happen and the book started to get good again. Enough that I do want to finish out the final installment, but it better be a lot better than this book was.

For the first 60% of this book I would give it ZERO stars. Yes, zero. It was that bad. So much drama, angst, hurt and heart break. I hated it. For the last 40% I would give it 3 stars. So I'm rounding out my review to be 2 stars. Just be warned, the first portion is extremely hard to get through, and I don't think I will ever be able to see Cole in the same light as I did before.

I think Ali put it best when she was talking to Cole and said,

"You trust the visions more than you trust me and my feelings, and I deserve better."

You know what, Ali? I totally agree with you.
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